
Course Description: American History

This course examines the major turning points in American history beginning with the events leading up to the American Revolution, the origins of our constitution, reform movements, the Civil War and Reconstruction, the impact of the frontier, the changing nature of business and government, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the growth of the United States as a world power, the Cold War and the struggle to achieve class, ethnic, racial, and gender equality. Contemporary world issues such as globalization, economic interdependence, and terrorism and world cultures will also factor into our analysis of international conflict and cooperation..

Class Contact
Students can stay in contact with the teacher by registering for text message or email reminders.  Visit  or text “@goyak1” to (424) 295-0666 to register.
The syllabus, assignments, notes, and more will be available on my website:

-Spiral/Composition notebook for Interactive Notebook      - pen (no red/pink)
-Lined paper or binder        -COVERED text book   
* It will be useful if all students have an email address. If this is an issue or of concern for you or your parents, please let me know.

Course Expectations

-Students will demonstrate respect for themselves, their classmates, teacher, the physical environment of the classroom, and the various topics and viewpoints we consider.
-Students will give their attention to whomever “has the floor,” be it a teacher or another student.
-Students will not use electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) during class. After one warning, these devices will be confiscated for the remainder of the period and/or the rest of the day.
-Students will not work on assignments for other classes.
-Students will wait to pack up until I have indicated that class is over.
-Students will come to class on time, with all necessary supplies, having completed all assignments, prepared to actively participate in class. Participation will count for 15% of your average.
-Students will keep and maintain an interactive notebook. This will help to organize class notes and materials, serve as a tool to make meaningful connections across the curriculum, and as a resource to prepare for the semester and final exams.
-Students will take responsibility for themselves and their learning.
-Students will adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the BCCHS Plagiarism policy.

• Grading
I use a point system, in which every assignment is worth a certain number of points. (Typical point values are listed below). Your grade on any assignment can be determined by dividing the actual number of points you received by the number of possible points. Likewise, 85% of your average for the term can be determined by dividing your total earned points by the total possible points for the term (participation will count for the remaining 15%)
• Basic Homework – 10 Points
• Maps- 10-25 Points
• Quizzes – 20 Points
• Essays / Written Assignments – 50 Points
• Tests – 100 Points
• Jeopardy Review Game- 50 Points
• Binder Check- 50 Points
• Other Projects – will vary
• Absences and Make-Up Policy
While absences are sometimes necessary and unavoidable, your success in this class is very much dependent on your regular attendance. Please keep the following in mind.
   -You need to come to class on time. Students who are repeatedly tardy may be assigned a detention.
   -When you are absent, it is your responsibility to make up any work you missed, in addition to arranging to meet with me if necessary.
   -If you will not be able to make up missed work within a day or two of your return to class, please be sure to contact me so that we can make alternate arrangements.
   -If you are going to miss class due to a field trip or vacation, it is your responsibility to let me know in advance, turn in any assignments that are due the day you will be out, and at my discretion take a test or quiz in advance.
   -If you miss an announced test or quiz due to an excused absence, you are expected to make up that assessment the day you return to school; otherwise you will lose 5 points a day and after one week will no longer be able to make it up. Exceptions will be made for extended absences and/or other extenuating circumstances.
   -If you have an unexcused absence from class, you will receive a zero for any assignments due
and/or assessments given during that class.

Assignments will include reading and note-taking from the textbook, reading and analysis of primary source documents, maps, charts, timelines, oral presentations, essays, and various
group and individual projects.
Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Please plan ahead so that you are prepared to hand in assignments when the bell rings: as necessary, they should be printed, stapled, have your name on top, etc. Assignments can be emailed to me when extenuating circumstances make it necessary; please try to avoid this as much as possible.
Late Work
Except in extenuating circumstances, assignments that are turned in late will lose 10 percentage points for each day they are late. Homework for a particular unit will NOT be accepted after we have taken the test on that unit. If the assignment is something that is required for that day’s activity or is something we go over in class the day it is due, it will not receive any credit if turned in late.
Extra Credit
I do make several extra credit opportunities available to students. Information about them can be
found on my web site; after viewing that information, please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. However, please be aware that extra credit is not an alternative to completing homework assignments or preparing for tests. Students who have several missing assignments may have these opportunities revoked.
• Academic Honesty
Cheating and plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated and possible consequences include being
asked to re-do the assignment, losing partial credit, and/or receiving a zero.

Promises to students:
1)      I will always believe in your ability to succeed.  This means my expectations are extremely high.  I will demand your best at all times. 
2)      I will listen to you.  I ask that you bring questions, concerns or comments to me in a calm, respectful manner at the appropriate time.  Individual concerns should be addressed in individual conferences that can be arranged by seeing me before or after class.
3)      I will respect you, and I will insist that others respect you in our class.  Please let me know, in an individual conference, if you ever feel disrespected.
4)      I will work hard and happily.  I took this job because I love teaching, I love history and I love my students. 
5)      I will learn from you.  You are smart people, and each of you brings experiences and perspectives to the class that will benefit the group.  Please share your viewpoint every day!
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Student Name:  ___________________________________________________________
Parent Name:_____________________________________________________________
Parent Signature:  __________________________________________________________
Parent Contact number: ____________________________________________________

I prefer to be contacted by:      PHONE                EMAIL           (circle one)