Wednesday, May 20, 2015

1960- 2000's notes


4 students @ North Carolina A&T stage a sit-in; it sparks a national campaign
Over 8 months, 70,000 sit-inThe 50 star flag is debuted (Hawaii was added in 1959)Kennedy beats Nixon in the presidential election1st televised debate

US severs ties with Cuba
Bay of Pigs:  Cuban exiles try to overthrow Castro1st American in space:  Alan B Shepard
1st black student, James Meredith, enters University of MississippiCuban Missile Crisis begins38 day standoff between US & USSR…the closest we come to war
John Glenn – 1st man to orbit the earth
Alcatraz Prison is closed down
Supreme Court finds a law requiring the Lords Prayer or bible verses in school unconstitutional
MLK gives his “I have a Dream” speech during the Civil Rights march
During a motorcade through Dallas, TX, Kennedy is shot & killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Oswald was killed on live television by Jack Ruby while being taken into police custody

The Beatles arrive in the US
Muhammad Ali beats Sonny Liston for the title of World Heavyweight Boxing Champ
Congress passes legislation – illegal to discriminate in jobs, voting, accommodations
The US begins taking action in Vietnam
Johnson elected president


Civil Rights march in Alabama
Selma to Montgomery
Watts race riots in LA
34 dead, $200 million in property destroyed
 Malcolm X assassinated
Medicare begins
1st black senator in 85 years is elected – Edward Brooke
Black Panther Party is formed
Draft protests begin 

Numerous riots:
Newark, NJ – 26 dead, 1500 injured
Detroit, MI – 40 dead, 2000 injured, 5000 homeless

Called 12th street riots, an entire neighborhood is destroyed
Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, TN by James Earl Ray
Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy is shot & killed at a campaign celebration in Los Angeles

Richard Nixon elected president
Nixon presents his plan for Vietnam
Anti-war protests continue
Neil Armstrong becomes the 1st man to set foot on the moon

The Internet is invented by the Department of Defense
@Kent State, 4 students are killed during an anti-war protest

1st Earth Day celebration is held
Banned:  cigarette ads on TV
26th amendment changes voting age from 21 to 18

1st VCR created
Nixon meets with Soviet leader to discuss arms pact
Watergate:  4 men arrested for breaking into the Watergate hotel

Nixon wins presidential election

Roe v Wade – women can’t be prevented from having abortions
US troops leave Vietnam
Watergate thieves tried; 4 members of Nixon's administration accused of obstructing justice

The president refuses to release Watergate tapes
VP Spiro T Agnew is accused of tax evasion & resigns; Gerald Ford replaces him

Embargo on oil from the middle east begins
The impeachment process is started against Nixon, saying that he was part of a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice
Nixon resigns rather than be impeached

Ford becomes president and pardons Nixon

All parties in the Watergate scandal are found guilty
Communists take over all of Vietnam
Oil embargo continues

Microsoft founded by Bill Gates & Paul Allen
Bicentennial of the US is celebrated
1st space probe lands on Mars

Jimmy Carter becomes president
Vietnam War draft evaders (10,000) are pardoned

25 hour blackout in NYC
US votes to give the Panama Canal back to Panama in 1999
Carter gets the leaders of Israel & Egypt together at Camp David

1st test-tube baby born
3 Mile Island nuclear power plant meltdown; largest nuclear accident in the US
Chrysler car co receives $1.5 billion bailout

Iran Hostage Crisis – 52 Americans are taken hostage in Tehran by militants
US begins grain embargo to the USSR; refuses to attend summer Olympics
Mt. St. Helens erupts; 57 killed
Blast 500 times more powerful than Hiroshima
Ronald Regan becomes president

Attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran fails
Hostages freed in exchange for $8 billion in frozen assets
Reagan survives an assassination attempt
1st space shuttle launched from Cape Canaveral

IBM releases 1st PC
Senate votes to stop busing (shipping kids from one area to a school in another area)
Unemployment at its highest since 1940

Vietnam Memorial is finished
Reagan proposes the Star Wars program to intercept incoming missiles
Sally Ride – 1st woman in space

US invades Grenada to kick out the Marxists
Walter Mondale selects Geraldine Ferraro as his vice presidential running mate
Russia boycotts the olympics in LA

Reagan is elected as president 
Pete Rose breaks the record for most career hits in MLB
He is banned from baseball in 1989 for gambling

Reagan and Gorbachev hold a conference in Geneva
Martin Luther King Day becomes a holiday
Space shuttle Challenger explodes on takeoff, killing all 7 astronauts
Reagan & Gorbachev agree to ban mid-range missiles

The Iran-Contra scandal begins:  $$ from weapon sales was used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua
Reagan denies knowing that $$ went to the Contras
Black Monday:  stock market crash

US & Russia sign the INF treaty, agree to dismantle mid-range missiles
1st patent for a genetically engineered animal is issued

George Bush becomes president
The Exxon Valdez oil tanker crashes in Alaska
11 million gallons of oil is spilt
$400 billion bill to help Savings & Loans approved

Colin Powell becomes first African American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Nelson Mandela Freed
Re-unification of Germany
The Hubble Space Telescope is placed into orbit
The UN gives Iraq until Jan ’91 to withdraw from Kuwait

Gulf War begins (Aug 1990-Feb 1991)
Operation Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq

Gulf War ends in February
Soviet Union officially dismantled by new President Boris Yeltsin
Magic Johnson retires from NBA
Riots in L.A. after Rodney King trial
27th Amendment passed (100 years after it was proposed)
Bill Clinton wins election over then-president Bush and Ross Perot
Bosnian genocide begins
World Trade Center is bombed
Brady Handgun Violence prevention act passed by Clinton
Michael Jordan retires from NBA to play baseball

The internet becomes wildly available
NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) created
OJ Simpson arrested for murder
Clinton signs Assault Weapons Ban
More troops sent to Kuwait to keep Iraqi forces out

Genocide in Rwanda
World Trade Organization created
Oklahoma City Bombing
Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty extended indefinitely
eBay begins
OJ found not guilty

Korean War Memorial dedicated
Bombing at the Olympics in Atlanta
Unabomber is arrested

Clinton wins election
The 1st Harry Potter book is printed
Scientists clone sheep (Dolly)

Hale-Bopp Comet becomes visible
President Clinton Impeached
Osama Bin Laden appears on the scene
John Glen becomes the oldest man in space

Microsoft brought to court for being a monopoly
Panama Canal returns to Panama
Columbine Shooting
Euro is introduced
Clinton is acquitted

WTO opening ceremonies in Seattle are cancelled after huge anti-globalization protests
George W Bush wins election over Al Gore

Hillary Clinton becomes senator for New York
Presidential election is confirmed
Terrorists hijack planes and crash them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center

Beginning of the “War on Terror”

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Words Worth Knowing - Final Exam

1950-present Vocabulary
o   Containment

o   Arms Race

o   McCarthyism

o   Domino Theory

o   Blacklist

o   Red Scare

o   Civil Rights Act

o   Sit in

o   Nonviolent demonstration

o   Segregation

o   Selma – Montgomery March

o   Equal Rights Amendment

o   Executive privilege

o   Watergate

o   Vietnam War

o   Anti-war protest

o   Draft

o   Summit

o   Embargo

o   Oil Crisis

o   Pardon

o   Détente

o   Watts Riot

o   Iran Hostage Crisis

o   Iran-Contra Affair

o   Recession

o   Mt St Helens

o   Exxon Valdez

o   Lyndon B Johnson

o   Richard Nixon

o   Gerald Ford

o   Jimmy Carter

o   Ronald Reagan

o   Sally Ride

o   Martin Luther King

o   Black Panthers

o   Malcolm X

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Film Extra credit

Watch one of the following films and write a 1-2 page essay that includes:
-an outline of the film/what happens
- a brief description of the historical event referenced in the film
 - how accurate the film was in portraying the film
- 5 questions you would ask students that were watching this film for class,

Films to choose from:
The Manchurian Candidate
All the Presidents Men
The Right Stuff

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Final Extra Credit Opportunity

Option A (50 pts possible)
Choose a topic (ex. food, music, sports, etc) and research it.  Write a research paper (min 2-3 pages) about the 10 mist influential things/people/events in that category SINCE 1900.  Make sure you explain what each thing is and why it is one of the top 10 most influential things.

Option B (20 points)
Create a poster for one of the following topics that includes:
Major events
Key people
Political actions taken
impact on the United states
and a brief timeline of the topic

Women's rights movement (1960's/70's)
Civil Rights Movement
Watergate Scandal
Energy Crisis of the 1970's
End of the Cold War/fall of the Soviet Union